Give a back massage to relieve tension and soreness; learn the art of giving massage in this free health how-to video. It is important to apply a bit of lotion or oil to your hands before massaging the back. Use you're elbows and forearms in doing some type of gliding strokes.
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Use very little oil
Spread oil on the back
Glide with even pressure
Knead the back
Use forearms and elbows alongside spine
About this Author
Melisa Brown is a licensed massage therapist specializing in Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Pre-Natal Massages for expecting mothers, Post Mastectomy Massages, and more. Brown was trained at the Educating Hands School of Massage in Miami, and the Institute of Thai Massage in New Jersey. She is currently a teacher at the Educating Hands School of Massage.
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